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Haptic Technology | Xtra-Note

Topic: Haptic Technology

In this topic we'll focus on:
    1. What is Haptic?
    2. How about its Processing?
    3. What are its application?
1. What is Haptic?
Haptic Technology or Haptic recreates the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations or motions to the user.
Click to photo Definition: Haptic derived from Greek word 'Haptikos' that mean able to come into contact with, that can say Haptics = Touch = Connection.
2. Its Processing
Click to photo
  • Human Part: make sense and control to the whole system.
  • Interactor Part: Sensor, actuator or other Haptic device...
  • Machine Part: exerts forces from the controller 'Human Part' to simulate contact with a virtual object.
3. Haptic application
  • Electronic devices: Smart phone, Computer, Television, Smart watch...
  • Automotive and robotic: Luxury car, Robot...
  • Art and Design: Graphic design, Animation...
  • Gaming application: greater realism, excitement, enjoyment...
  • Medical application (Bit using and in researching project...)
  • Virtual environment (Developing, it is expected for the future...)
So, Virtual reality is a form of human-computer interaction providing a virtual environment that one can explore through direct interaction with our senses. It can be used to assist in the creation of virtual objects in a computer simulation to control such virtual objects and to enhance the remote control of machines and devices.
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